
This Universal Limiting Money Belief is Keeping You From Manifesting Your Highest Business Vision

by Shantini Rajah

What would you like to manifest in your business in the next 6 months, 3 months or even in the next week or so?

Most spiritual entrepreneurs (and this includes me!) don’t ask ourselves this question often enough.

While many of us may have a higher vision for our business like…

Helping millions around the world heal and live their purpose 

Hiring and/or working with the marginalized

Creating a million-dollar business so we can send our kids to the best schools

… we’re not necessarily focused on what needs to happen in the next few days, weeks and months to get to that place where our vision becomes a reality.

A BIG reason for this (as you might suspect) is that we have conscious and unconscious limiting beliefs lurking within – specifically limiting money beliefs.

These money beliefs are keeping us from expanding our energy and blocking us from clearly identifying our next steps, aligning with the high vibrational energies of the Universe, and taking confident, consistent action.

In today’s audio, I’m sharing a universal limiting money belief all spiritual entrepreneurs have (I’ve identified this based on years of work I’ve done on myself and with clients).

I’ll also take you through the 1 Healing Breath Microaction Manifesting process to help you start to release this belief in the here and now so you can bring your beloved higher vision from the world of ideas…

Into the world of physical, tangible reality where you’re successfully helping people heal, running a million-dollar business, donating to that animal shelter or anything else your heart dreams of and desires ❤️

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