
How to Connect with the Energy of Your Business So You Can Experience Wild Success

by Shantini Rajah

If your business were an animal, what animal would it be?

I invite you to go with the first answer or visual that pops into your mind. 😃

Was it a peacock? Elegant, confident and unafraid to be on display.

A whale? Huge, impressive and impossible to ignore.

A horse? Strong, fast, and always open to moving forward.

A squirrel? Nimble, light, and smart – never missing an opportunity to save for a rainy day! 

Whichever animal your heart rested on, it’s good to dive a little deeper and reflect on the attributes of the animal that arose in your consciousness because it can help to reveal the essence and energy of your business. 

Why is it important to do this? Glad you asked 😃

Today’s mini audio is about a simple, powerful way to connect with the energy of your business so you can start to experience wild success, reach your greatest potential, and purpose as a spiritual, conscious entrepreneur… 

And have LOTS of fun along the way! 🥳

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