
If you’ve been running an online business for more than a couple of months, you’ve probably run into – what I like to call – “questionable characters” or “business energy vampires”

They’re the ones who claim they can help you “build a 7-figure business in 3 months” or “ attract perfect clients on demand” or maybe even “effortlessly create a million-dollar offer”…

Chances are they haven’t done ANY of those things and they have no idea how to help you do them either!

I happened to become entangled with a business energy vampire early in my journey as a spiritual entrepreneur.

While it wasn’t FUN, what I learned totally transformed my business and my life in wonderful ways!

In today’s audio note I’m sharing how a business coach had me questioning my sanity, how the experience eventually helped me get me on the 6-figure track (and stay there!)…

PLUS the one thing I do now that’s helped me successfully sidestep every single “questionable character” aka business energy vampire since then!

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