
A Simple 3-Step Technique to Dissolve Your Resistance to Money

by Shantini Rajah

Quick experiment (I promise it’s fun 🥳). Take a quick look at the following words and bring your awareness to how they make you feel. Ready? Here we go:
Easy money
How did that make you feel? Good? Weirdly uncomfortable? Totally UNeasy?
If you’re like most people (and this includes me!) the word “easy” paired with “money” can feel kinda awkward. Maybe even a little bit distressing.
It can conjure visions or thoughts of deception, dishonesty, unfairness or even criminal activity.
But here’s the thing…
A BIG part of entrepreneurship (and this definitely includes spiritual, conscious entrepreneurship) is all about the flow of money.
And whether we like it or not, our success in business includes getting comfortable with making, earning, receiving, and spending money.
All the better if we get to do all of that with ease and have loads of fun at the same time, right? 🎉
Unfortunately, money and ease rarely go together for us spiritual entrepreneurs.
It’s why this week’s mini audio training is all about a simple, energetic exercise I like to do every time I detect any kind of resistance to money. 😃

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