In a world where ChatGPT is a part of our reality, lots of people like to believe that feeling stuck and uninspired when it’s time to write (also known as the dreaded writer’s block) is a thing of the past.
Sadly, that’s not true!
Yes, ChatGPT is intelligent, and yes it can be helpful but without your raw creative inspiration and heartfelt devotion to those reading your words…
AI-based writing tools are as useful as a gigantic rip in your favorite pair of jeans!
So how can you make sure you’re never stuck (at least not for long!) when you need to get some writing done, whether you’re using ChatGPT or not?
Glad you asked!
In this week’s mini audio training, I’m sharing one of my favorite and MOST relaxing writing that I turn to every time I need to get unstuck. 😍

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